..and here you got?

Just Peace

Just Peace
Para todos todo! Para todos la luz

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

So why the people its so stupid?

... Lo escribi hace mucho... y es una parte de el total.

entonces,, cual es el problema de las personas!,, i mean why the people its so stupid,, why people do things if then they gonna say I'm sorry? why the people needs to be alone for understand who people are good and aren't ,,
where are good people go?.. y rodeados de tanta basura y las asi buenas q digamos son recicladas! ,, have you ever ask you if you just feel good? i mean are you ok? relly?,, i've never see my day cry,,
but i know that he feels alone now! why the people its so stupid,, why the people wait for lose someone for then miss them!.. i hear about that always it a only exception you are! .. fuck that! what about.. you know babe that alone now i'm feel better?!.. so.. it was a girl who use to love me long time ago.. so she think that she knows what i'm think or what i feel .. and then she its a bitch?.. Fuck that too! ,,,
sep 13.. so what its most stupid ? still believing in the people who before hurts you? .. hay veces en la q pienso q ahora estoy mejor sin vos.. pero,, aun cuando todas las cosas q siento se q extranan mucho de alla y q quieren volver.. pero?,, yo se Marco,, q debemos seguir con mas fuerza aun,, ,, 'couze ,,
Sep 17, en fin los esquisofrenicos sn los unicos q saben siempre quien esta en la esquina .. y nosotros no!.. tienen su mundo!.. y sed de alimentar a su propio mundo!..
Sep 22.. so why the people think that they know what every body does and think i mean xq la gente cree q puede predecir las cosas o simplemente cree q puede conocer a alguien o simplemente saber q va hacer o pensar!,, why the people its so stupid? soy coketa y que? Y QUE!! putaff.. q mas! ,,why the people think that their lives are funny or cool or great? why the people it so stupid!.. how the people play with love? how the people can think that "its cool play with the feelings of someone else , some people its just stupid because they like to be! ,, and some really love been stupid!,, there is a girl who life means for her its fuck and breakhearts and maybe wallets to!,, but anyways,, she just think that its cool been stupid,, hueca!,, her perfet hair can do better things than her,, and listening people are strange ,, fuck ya! they are strange!,, sometimes i would really love to hear what its the world for them.

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